European Certified Biochar 10kg bag
We supply 100% pure biochar manufactured from untreated wood, fine sieve grain. Mix our biochar to any home made or commercial composts for best results, or directly to soil if you just want to improve the quality of your soil. The standard size is mixed grade 10-15mm most popular and usable in all applications.
Biochar is created through a non-combusting thermal destructive distillation of biomass in an oxygen free environment. This makes for a Biochar with exceptional internal surface area. Oxford Biochar is made from wood harvested from sustainably sources and have carry a “European Biochar Certificate” which involves a full annual audit of the ‘chain of custody’ from the source to your bag of Biochar.
We do not add mycorrhizae or fertilizers to our biochar, as soils harbour different species of mycorrhizae and have different nutrient deficiencies to cater for. You can add it straight to your soil or mix it with your favourite potting and seed compost.
We recommend a minimum of 10% biochar in your planting medium. There is no recommended maximum application rate, so far studies have shown that the more you add the better the results. Whats’ best of all is that every time you dig in 1kg of biochar you take 3.6kg of CO2 from the atmosphere helping the planet to sequestrate carbon.
Product Summary
Batch ID: OXB – ba-de-30-1-2 Composition: Granular solid
Input material: Untreated wood, fine sieve Grain size: Average 10-15mm max size 20 mm residues woodchip production
Primary intended Use: Soil amendment
Process temperature: 700 °C Area of application: Agriculture
Analytical results: Nutrients:
Carbon: 84,6 % (DMB) H/Corg: 0,41 Nitrogen: 0,36 %* Spec. Surface (BET): 300 m²/g* Dry Matter: 74,9 % Phosphorus: < 0,1 %* Ash content 3,0 %* pH-Value: 7,9* Potassium: 0,3 %* Bulk density: 175-225 kg/m³* Calcium: 0,5 %* Moisture: 25,1 % Magnesium: < 0,1 %*
See more about the European Biochar Certification and how to use our Biochar here
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