Ethical Barbecue Charcoal

Our Ethical Lumpwood Charcoal is a great addition to our British.

Since 2019, all of the Lumpwood Charcoal has been supplied by our Ukrainian partners, show your support today!

Each 5kg bag is enough for 4 family sized BBQ’s with cooking times of 40mins, only £3.12/BBQ session!  

All of our ethical charcoal is from 100% sustainable sources. Most are either FSC, Organic Standard or ECHA certified, we have vetted and seen the production facilities of our partners which ensures that our customers are getting the best for their money.

*Charcoal small fractures we try and reduce at source, however transport and handling by couriers will inevitably re-create these. We guarantee that no more than 5% of our bags will contain un-usable smaller fractures. If you find these help the environment by add them to  your soil its also great for plants, see our Biochar section.

Free local and countrywide delivery – see shop page

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