Grown in Britian Certified since 2013 – your guarantee of quality and sustainability

Made in Britain brings together the British manufacturing community, united with the use of the registered collective mark. The mark is protected and can only be used by members of Made in Britain that meet the criteria we set to guarantee the member is a British manufacturer. There are similar marks being used by organisations that wish to emulate the success of the Made in Britain mark. These copy-cat marks are not registered or protected and do not provide the guarantees given by the official Made in Britain organisation.

Made in Britain also offers members support in four areas: sales, marketing, exports and comms/PR. Becoming a member entitles your business to a profile page on the Made in Britain Directory alongside all the other makers in 50 product categories. We encourage buyers, specifiers and consumers to use the directory as the procurement site for British-made goods.

Many Made in Britain members use the network of membership to find new suppliers and buyers.

About Made in Britain

Made in Britain brings together the British manufacturing community, united with the use of the registered collective mark. The mark is protected and can only be used by members of Made in Britain that meet the criteria we set to guarantee the member is a British manufacturer. There are similar marks being used by organisations that wish to emulate the success of the Made in Britain mark. These copy-cat marks are not registered or protected and do not provide the guarantees given by the official Made in Britain organisation.